Serenading Adela: Reflections on wellbeing and quality of life
Presented by Helen English and Jane Davidson
Within the area of wellbeing and creativity research, there is robust literature focused on the impacts of creative activities across the lifespan. Less explored, however, are the impacts of involvement in such pursuits as carried into people’s daily lives. That is, how creative learning experiences change perceptions, affect relationships, as well as create connections of different kinds, empower and transform. This presentation provides highlights from research examining the creative learning of participants in a community street opera, Serenading Adela (2018), a commemorative project to mark the 100th anniversary of women gathering to sing under the prison cell window of anti-conscription activist Adela Pankhurst.
To download a transcript of the presentation with images, click here.
The research team:
Helen English, University of Newcastle
Jane Davidson, The University of Melbourne
Email Helen English at or view her University of Newcastle researcher profile here.

To watch the next presentation, click here.
Photographs by Nazanin Moghaddam Tabrizi